Same Sex attraction...

Some people lump all types of "love" together. However, there is a distinction. Do you love your spouse in the same ways you love your kids? Do you love your friends in the same ways you love your girlfriend, or boyfriend? Do you love your parents in the same ways you love your siblings? God intended love between people of the same sex to be a friendship, not a romance, or love affair.
Courage helps people to understand this distinction...

Richard Cohen's conversion...
Richard Cohen M.A., is the author of, Healing Heterosexuality, Time, Touch, Talk. In the video to the left, Cohen speaks with MSNBC host, Rachel Maddow about his same sex attraction. In his book, Cohen explains how he came to understand why he had an attraction to men. He believes the relationships he was having with other men was a substitute for never having a healthy relationship with his father...