About TJP...


My name is Fr. Mark Matthias.
I am a Roman Catholic priest of the Diocese of Camden, NJ.

I want you to know that I built TheJesusPeace website back in 2006 just for you! I did so with the desire to help people understand -- and grow -- in their relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As the saying goes, "To know him, is to love him," and what's not to love about Jesus Christ?

Getting to know Jesus is no different than getting to know someone else you like and respect. However, the key to being in right-relationship with Jesus is not just having him "in" your life, but making him the Lord "of" your life (see, Mark 12:28-31). That's when he knows you are serious about getting to know him, and the more you do, the more he will reveal himself to you. That's what happened to me, and that's what will happen to you. How do I know? Because Jesus said so, and Jesus is not a liar (see, John 14:15-27, and John 17:1-26).

TJP will help you to deepen your relationship with our Lord and Savior through Bible study, prayer, song, audio, and video teaching. This includes "non-believers," "nominal believers," and "firm believers." As you will see, there is something for everyone!

If we commit to following the way of Christ day by day, he will teach us how to love and serve each other just as he first loved and served us (1 John 4:19). We will then know how to build happy, healthy, and loving relationships that will make us worthy to be called the sons and daughters of God (1 John 1-11).

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man, Christ Jesus" (1 Tim. 2:5)

The purpose of this life, is to prepare our soul for the next life. The Master came to show us how to do just that. If we surrender our will for his will, and live according to his authority in our life rather than our own, our lives will be changed forever! It's exactly what St. James says in his Epistle: "The more we draw near to him, the more he will draw near to us..." (James 4:8).

I hope, and pray, you enjoy your time on TheJesusPeace website. I also hope you will share what you learn with those around you. Why? Because if everyone in the entire world lived according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there would be world peace. There is no other religious leader the world has ever known that can make that claim, only Jesus. That's why Jesus, and only JESUS, is the "Savior of the World..."

in Christ,

Fr. Mark