Three videos that reveal Intelligent Design, not blind Evolution...
Darwinism teaches we descended from a beast. Creationism teaches we were created in the image and likeness of the Creator of the beast--God! Which ancestry has more dignity than the other? Which one would you choose to belong to?
God gave us this magnificent and beautiful planet to enjoy and explore and to use as a base to marvel at the power and intelligence of the Supreme Chemist, Designer, Physicist and Artist we call, GOD.
As we look into space, we see hundreds of billions of lifeless planets consisting only of rock, gases or dust. And yet, the earth is abundant with all kinds of diverse plants, animals, insects and bacteria. There are literally millions of different species, spectacularly unique and non-interchangeable, living on the highest peaks of mountains to the deepest depths of the seas.
All of God’s creations are good; from the simplest bacteria living invisibly among us, to the complex reasoning, communication and athletic abilities of the human being. All of God’s designs work in harmony with the intention of His greatest creation—mankind! Unfortunately, man can lose sight of his real purpose in life when the creature begins to worship the creation, instead of the Creator (Romans 1:20-25).