Demons are real. Even if you don't believe in them...

Please Note:
Not all supernatural experiences are from demons. Some come from those
"lost souls" who wander the earth because they are not yet welcome in heaven.
We call these entities "disembodied souls" or "ghosts." These souls refuse to live according to the authority of God, so they are not yet fully formed in the holiness of God -- and will never be until they surrender their will, for His. These souls supposedly "believe in God," but also believe they know more than God, thus making themselves superior to God. Because of their pride and arrogance, they wander the earth seeking a place of rest and peace, which they will never find without the one true God. Surrendering our will, for God's will, is how God completes our formation in Him
(see, Purgatory). thus opening the Gates of Heaven to us...
The purpose of the Devil is to make us think that God doesn't love us any more...
This is what happens when separate ourselves so far away from God that our soul no longer feels the presence of God's Love dwelling in us through the Holy Spirit.
We can literally feel ourselves being pulled away from feeling God's love in us when we begin to think evil thoughts. Our minds are the birthplace of sin. This is how we know demons are real: demons live within our soul and whisper to our minds how "enjoyable" it is to sin. They tell us there are no consequences for our sin. They are experts at convincing us it is okay to hurt others, and ourselves, by committing sin.
Demons are also experts at making us think they do not exist. That little voice in your mind telling you right now, "This is ridiculous. What nonsense! There’s no such thing as demons…" is in fact, a demon speaking to you (see, "Demons can influence our thoughts.").
Demons are experts at whispering other things like, "This is not really a sin if you do this because..." or, "It's not your fault you are about to sin, that person is making you sin..." Demons are constantly providing excuses for us not to take responsibility for our sins—sound familiar?
It is the duty of every demon to keep our minds and hearts preoccupied with everything in this world except the Love of God. Demons do not want us to feel the presence God’s Love dwelling within us because they know this is how we can free our souls from their grip.
Demons will do anything they can not to give up the sanctuary of living in our souls.
They are parasites who use our souls to fulfill their desire to sin. Sadly, many people do not realize how these demons are dragging their souls down into the pit of darkness to live with them.
Anyone who has professed Jesus as their Lord and Savior can feel the Love of God pour into their heart, thus cleansing them from all sin. The demons that used to reside in our soul despise the Love of God living in us. They flee from our soul like cockroaches flee from bug spray. However, like cockroaches, the demons will always seek to return to the place they once lived and will try over and over again to inhabit your soul.
Demons never stop wanting to lure us back into their grip of sin. This is why we must continually seek the Grace of God to keep our soul pure from sin. What is the "Grace of God"? It is the holy presence of God living in us. We receive God's Grace by deepening our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
It is through Christ living in us that the eternal presence of God grows in us. The eternal presence of God grows in us through daily prayer, obedience to ALL of God's commands (not just the ones we pick and choose), feeding our soul with God's Holy Words (reading the Bible!) and feeding our soul with God's Holy Sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation/Confession, Marriage, Holy Orders, Anointing of the Sick).
More Proof Demons are Real
Here is a sure way to know when a demon has a grip on our soul: Demons cannot stand to hear the truth. We can actually feel them moving around in us when we (they) begin to hear the truth. Our chests become tight and our breathing and heartbeat quickens. It feels like someone has wrapped their hands around our heart and their arms around our soul and is squeezing as tight as they can. This "someone" is a demon preparing to fight to keep a grip on our soul.
If you doubt this "spiritual warfare" that goes on in our mind and soul, then ask yourself why a married person would have an affair knowing full well when they get caught (and they always do...) they will emotionally devastate their spouse, forever destroy their reputation, lose the respect of their children and totally ruin the unity and sanctity of their home life?
Who is telling us that someone doesn't know we are lying to them when we ourselves know perfectly well when someone is lying to us?
Who influences a mother to destroy a perfectly healthy child in her womb? Who is that voice in her mind that tells her maintaining her lifestyle is more important than the lifestyle she has begun in her? (see, "").
Ask any parent if they are willing to lay down their life to save their child. Most will immediately say, "Yes!" How is it that some "would-be" parents say it is more important to kill their own child so they can save their own lifestyle?
We know the truth of our actions, and yet, over and over again, we choose to listen to the lies being whispered in our minds that deny the realities of this truth.
Demons are afraid of us learning the truth because they know once we understand the truth about our desires and actions, we will realize how they have been causing us, and those who we love, sorrow and pain. Demons fear that once we understand how we have been cooperating with them to cause ourselves and others sorrow and pain, we will want to be freed from them.
Remember, demons are parasites. They need our souls so they can live their lives through us. They also want as many demons as possible weighing on our souls so they can drag us down into the pit of darkness where we will become as miserable, angry, lonely and bitter as they are. This is why they will do whatever they can to stay wrapped around our souls. This is why they tell our minds what we are doing “is not really a sin” or “not really our fault.” This is why they make us close our ears and walk away from someone who is telling us the truth.
Jesus spoke the Truth when he told us we are to live our lives according to the Word of God. Jesus is the Spiritual Light of God. Those who follow Jesus' teachings know it draws them closer to the Light of God and away from darkness. As Jesus said, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free...” (John 31-32).
Remember, Demons do not want us to be free from them. They will do anything they can to keep our minds away from the Truth so they can keep our hearts and souls in darkness where they are "safe". Demons need to live in the dark shadows of our hearts and souls so they can convince our minds to stay away from anything that might expose us (and them!) to the Light of God, which is also the Love of God. Demons want us to stay far away from the Love of God because they know once we begin to receive the Love of God, we can destroy them...
Are You Afraid of Demons when You See Them?
Here is another way to be sure that demons exist. Demons want us to be afraid of them when we see them "acting out" in someone we know, or acting out in someone we pass by on the street. Demons also want us to be afraid of them when we see them in movies or read about them in books. They want us to be afraid because they fear we might discover they really do exist. Think about it. If we cannot face our demons, how can we conquer them?
Can you think of a time in your life when you behaved a certain way you did not like, or acted in a manner that was self-destructive? Maybe you acted this way for years before you realized what you were doing was hurting yourself and those who you love. When you look back at that time in your life, do you ever wonder how you acted that way in the first place?
Anytime we act in a way that hurts ourselves, or others, we can be sure there is a demon in our mind and soul encouraging us to do things we will later regret. Remember, it is a demon’s duty to corrupt our hearts, minds and souls with sin so we lose our connection with God. It is their duty to fill our hearts with so much fear, hate, ignorance, loneliness, despair, envy, greed, lust, resentment, etc., that we continually say, and do things, that separate ourselves further and further from feeling the Love of God:
"Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts..." The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis
What are Your Demons?
There are many different kinds of demons. There are "demons of dependency" like sex, gambling, alcohol, gossip, thrill seeking, entertainment, materialism, television, wanderlust, etc. They are demons because they are the little voices who tell our hearts and minds we need these things in life to feel “happy and alive,” when in reality, all we really need is the love and fellowship of God to feel happy and alive.
There are other demons like anger, pride, resentment, greed, money, power, lust, jealousy, fear, ignorance, loneliness, etc. Many finding their way into our minds when we were younger then living in our hearts throughout our lives polluting our souls by our words and actions. Words and actions that have hurt ourselves, and those who we care about, for years and years.
Yes, demons are real whether we want to believe they are or not. Now that you understand how they are real, you have to ask yourself this question: “Why would I want a demon living their life through my soul?”
Remember, when we need the strength to resist the temptation of demons, we can ask the Holy Spirit to help us. When we stumble in our walk with Christ and sin again, we can ask Jesus to forgive us. We should say a "sinner's prayer" as often as we need so our love for God will grow, day by day, until we have no desire to sin again. This is how we purify our hearts from sin and free our souls from demons so we are able to enter the Kingdom of God where no sin or demons are allowed.
Keep the Evil One and his demon servants away. Carry the Word of God in your heart so it is with you everywhere you go. Help the Holy Spirit purify your soul by surrounding yourself with music and literature that speaks of God and all His Teachings.
Our main goal in life should be to enter the Kingdom of God. We do this when we accept the love of Jesus into our hearts and believe the Holy Spirit is here to help us live our lives according to God's Authority as Jesus taught us. This is how our hearts and souls become purified and are made perfect in one Love with Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father, and each other...